From Japan to Greece

Leaving Japan and the far east, inconsolable, following the setting sun…

“At least” the two-and-a-half days’ trip gives one something to keep busy with.

And, right on cue, as the office in the clouds was all about the sun,

the windows without blinds start shunning it spectacularly by changing their transparency.

The rest is lost in a haze of jet lag…

From Taiwan to Japan

One really feels that one is a nomad when the time of moving comes. It’s a pain that spans days but one day you’ll be able to say I lived in five different countries in one calendar year. By the way keep in mind that unplanned (but always happening) expenses come in blocks of about 30USD.

Nice guy at passport control went over some page with a magnifying lens, twice. He exclaimed approvingly hearing that I travel alone. He asked if that had been my first time in Taiwan – it was the fourth.

Taoyuan International Airport, I’ve seen you when you were all construction and nothing in the nighttime but plastic covers across future storefronts. I see you now and you, surprisingly, don’t have any convenience stores. No chewing gum for the airplane ears this time but at least there are water fountains in the corridors.

Highlight: A pack of baked soya beans that I was presented with recently. Always present traveling acquaintances with unexpected packaged food. They will need it sooner or later.

The Vanilla Air flight is kind of cute. The wings look adventurously narrow. The 500JPY comfort food of three-cheese pasta soup cup and a croissant was really comforting in my hunted state (the last days have been physically problematic). Most people look surprised by it, but this blogger is a big fan of airplane food and this cheap one made the genre justice.

Japan. Here I come.
With office in the clouds: